

Microsoft to reveal Xbox Project Scorpio specs this week

Microsoft is planning to unveil its Xbox Project Scorpio specifications later this week. Eurogamer’s Digital Foundry has confirmed it will run an “exclusive Xbox Scorpio reveal” on Thursday at 9AM ET, following speculation. Microsoft reportedly invited Digital Foundry to its campus recently to observe the internals of Project Scorpio and witness Forza Motorsport 7 running at 4K resolution.
Windows Central reports that Project Scorpio will include a compact design, alongside an integrated power supply unit. It’s unlikely we’ll see the design of the console on Thursday, or its final naming. Microsoft appears to be ready to unveil its specifications ahead of its scheduled press event at E3 where it’s expected to focus primarily on games available for the new console.
Microsoft previously revealed that Project Scorpio will run at 6 teraflops, ahead of its main competitor the PlayStation 4 Pro with 4.2 teraflops of graphical power. Microsoft plans to replace its 8GB of DDR3 RAM / 32MB of ESRAM with 12GB of GDDR5 memory on Project Scorpio. Thursday’s Scorpio reveal should provide us with information on whether Microsoft is using AMD’s latest Ryzen processors, and the exact power of the system Microsoft plans to release later this year.

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