

Google Assistant's shopping lists are moving to the Home app today

An update to Google Assistant today means your shopping lists will no longer be saved on Google Keep, and will instead port over to the Google Home or Google Express apps. The move aims to consolidate your shopping-related voice commands to one place, and sets Express up to more widely offer order and delivery functionality via the Home. Google added this functionality earlier this year, with more than 50 Google Express retail partners, including Costco, Staples, Walgreens, and of course, the Google Store. Typically, Google Express requires a membership fee or per-delivery charge, but it is waiving those costs until April 30th for purchases made through the Home.
For those with a running list on Google Keep, you should see the contents ported over to the Home or Express app starting today. And if you’re not a fan of the change... well, you could always ask Google Assistant to “Make a note” instead of a “Shopping list.”

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