

Pokémon Go will eventually allow players to trade Pokémon

Pokémon Go has taken iOS and Android by storm this weekend, jumping to the top of the App Store and Google Play Store in just a matter of days. However, game developer Niantic is nowhere near done building on its new hit. CEO John Hanke recently told Business Insider that the game will eventually allow players to trade their Pokémon with their friends, just like in the halcyon Gameboy days.


"It's kind of a core element," Hanke said. Though Hanke wouldn't go into great detail about the feature, he said that the feature would help foster interactions between players in the real world, which is what Go aims for. And after all, trading Pokémon across different versions of the game is one of the franchise's enduring features, letting players complete their collections on the way to catching 'em all.

Hanke also hinted at enhanced augmented reality features, the likes of which could land on devices like Microsoft's HoloLens. All told, Go is already shaping up to be the biggest Pokémon release in a long time.

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