

PlayStation VR demos are now at Best Buy and GameStop.

It'll be a few more months before you can buy Sony's PlayStation VR for yourself, but the company is installing demo kiosks at Best Buy and GameStop retail locations starting... today! This weekend, the "Experience PlayStation VR" demo will be at 30 stores between the two retailers. That will quickly expand to 300 US / Canada locations on June 24th.  Sony's website has a list of exactly which stores will be showcasing PlayStation VR.

You'll be able to try out five titles: PlayStation VR Worlds, Eve: Valkyrie, Headmaster, Battlezone, and Superhypercube. More demos will be added as the launch of PlayStation VR draws closer, according to the company. But hopefully these first few options will give you a good sense of whether you'll want to spring $399 for PlayStation VR when it launches in October. If you're willing to go for that hands-on experience in public, anyway.

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