
Yes, free training and a grant worth $ 655 by giant Microsoft, of course, free training, we will explain the method of registration , but for the scholarship must be classified as one of the first at the end of the training , where the exam will be held at the end of a period of three months to choose 5 winners grant.

Before embarking on to explain Date I want to remind you that the offer currently available in some Arab countries only , namely: Egypt, Saudi Arabia , Lebanon and Pakistan also there , while waiting for the issuance of this training to the rest of the Middle East and North Africa.

Now, go to the bottom of the page display the existing association of the bottom of the entry and select as in the image:
Select the recording quality as a student and then will give a comprehensive definition about the stages to be accomplished within a period of three months as in the picture :
The first stage: a private register at the site and follow some of the lessons provided by Maatrin party from Microsoft, and of lessons for a period of 85 days , and you must register a new account to start.
Phase II: Subscribe to the exam , which will be attended by all persons who have received training from the experts tip to isolate the 5 winners from each country.
The third stage : get the results two days after an exam , and about the grant will you receive if you're one of the winners by convoys of Microsoft's mobile company.
The were not resident in the country who were chosen simply to wait , it is only a matter of time.

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