

WhatsApp officially launches a copy of the computer | Learn how to install and use Alwatsab on your PC or Mac

After an interview a few weeks ago in the media that WhatsApp is launching the formal copy of the computers that run Balondoz and Mac , is now available officially as the company launched a version you can install on windows or Mac and enjoy chatting and all other properties in whatsapp away from the use of the phone.

Now so you get this version Go to this link : whatsapp

Press the download for windws or mac computer as you have, and then click on the icon that campaign and you will see the code as in the image:

Now go to your phone and enter into whatsapp is installed , and then clicking on the icon at the top to access the settings and select whatsapp web

Will give you even wipe code that appeared to have the program icon on the computer, point it to him , and so will open whatsapp you have on your computer.

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