

Video : Launch of the first headphones translate different languages ​​when you speak with anyone in the immediate time.

The American company to design intelligent speakers said that it is the first speaker in the world to translate foreign languages ​​into any language you speak directly.
The company said that the idea of ​​making these watches came after meeting the founder of this company girl speak the French language and try to communicate with them but they do not understand the English language , which the other does not understand the French language , the company also pointed out that also these headphones can be used to listen to music away from its main function Translation .
This type of localized speakers is a Smaotain , first placed on the authorized person , for example, speaks French and then the second placed in the ear of the other person who speaks , for example, the Arabic language , and so when I speak in French directly translated into Arabic, and when the second Arabic person speaks translate person first in French , and to learn more about Watch this video:

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