

Science simply : Google Science Journal application.

Google announced the launch of a new educational application has named Google Science Journal , which has many of the features that contribute to making the conduct scientific experiments easier and more fun, especially for children and adolescents.

About Making & Science Project

Application of the new Science Journal is part of an initiative launched by Google under the name of "Making & Science" , which aims through it Google to help improve the educational process and development , and make it simpler and more enjoyable. Crosses the initiative name from its goal clearly, word "Made Making " means how to invent things and useful applications in everyday life , while the word " science Science " reflect on how to use various scientific experiments to explore the world around us and take advantage of data and information that can be collected through scientific experiments.

What is the application of Science Journal

The application is an integrated set of tools that can be made ​​through the experience (or experiences ) scientific integrated within the same smartphone . Application on the use of sensors located within the smartphone supports in order to conduct a variety of different experiences , in a simple and smooth for anyone no matter how old.

How to use the application

First , users must download the application and the inauguration of the PlayStation Store ( click here) , which is free and all it takes is that a copy be Android 4.4 and above.
After downloading the application and the inauguration , the users will be able to make different experiences within it. The application has the same famous own Google workers interfaces MaterialScience Design , and therefore it would be very easy to use for those who depend on Google Apps.


Users can create "Projects", so that they can name each project with the name you want, and save the project, and return to it later to make certain adjustments. Within each project, you can do several "Experiments experiences," so that the user can customize each experience based on a goal, and can also experiment shall designate the name of his choice.

Conduct various experiments
As we mentioned earlier, the application to the various sensors in your smartphone supports, so the experiments that can be made are:
>>Measuring the intensity of ambient light Ambient Light
>>Measuring ambient sound intensity Sound Intensity
>>Measuring movement of the three directions X, Y, Z through a sensitive Accelermoter.

When doing the experiment , the user can get data based on two methods :
>>Digital display of the data
>>Graphic presentation of the statement.

Also, can you make recording data during a period of time, by clicking on the bottom of the screen the red button, which will begin to register and save data within the page experiment for future reference and comparison with other experiments or other projects that the user has created.
One of the important tools that have been provided with the application is the ability to take notes while doing the registration data, where it would be useful to record data while leaving a voice note about the place and time of the experiment, or a goal, or the surrounding circumstances. Another option for recording observations, which left the text notes attached to each experience.
Finally, upon completion of the registration of an experiment , their own results page will appear , to include the major values ​​and Minor and the arithmetic average of something that has been measured , as the duration of the experiment show and time of implementation, own and chart , and finally any comments the user has left around.

There is an important point that you must know about the application, which is its dependence on hardware the same smartphone and sensors within it, so the quality and reliability of the results of the various experiments that are made through the application, based on the quality of the sensors used on the one hand, the strength of hardware smartphone himself on the other.

The importance of the application
I think this application is one of the things that make smartphones "smart" already. The application is to harness the resources of the smartphone for a noble goal, boils down to making conduct scientific experiments is simple and reliable and accurate. Through the application, it will become the scientific ideas that seem as complex as the acceleration of the three coordinates and others, will be simpler for children and adolescents.

More than that, thanks to features that are included in the application, it is considered an excellent way to acquire the children some basic scientific skills, such as taking notes and documenting the tests and the results rely on accurate and reliable statistics. All of these things make the educational process more useful, especially at a time when education is moving towards the adoption of smart technologies is greater than ever before rate.
Finally, the application of technical understanding is more for teenagers and children, where it would be interesting to know that the smartphone itself includes a set of tools that enable it to know the speed and acceleration and the intensity of light and sound, rather than to show the children that "game" or just a gimmick will contribute.
For you, what do you think of the application of Science Journal from Google ? Did you find it useful installed on your phone smart , smart phones and special Botfalcm ? Do you find that it already contributes to make education simpler and more fun and easy ? Get Involved opinion within comments.

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